Nov One of the new studies shows that fish oil is associated with preventing heart attacks and decreasing heart -related deaths by an average of 20 . Nov A recent widely reported study has reignited debate around whether omega-supplements reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Nov Neither vitamin D nor fish oil lowered the odds of stroke or of getting cancer in the first place in the trial, whose participants did not know whether they were taking the real supplements or a dummy pill. Therefore, you may see a reduction in cancer death but not see a. Nov A fish oil -derived medication may lessen the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke in patients who are at high risk despite taking statin therapy, . Sep New data found that the fish oil drug Vascepa cut risk of heart attack and stroke in patients already at heightened risk by as much as percent.
Research in Japan has shown that fish oil , a rich natural source of Omega- provides superior benefit against heart attack compared to statins. The best fish are used to produce a clean and safe product that .